The Mystery of the Talking Skull is the last Three Investigators novel by Robert Arthur. As such, I was a little hesitant to read it because Arthur's genius and talent created this series and made it into a staple of many young people's lives/5(5). This was author/series creator Robert Arthur's final book in the series before illness finally caught up with him. Happily, it was a worthy effort. The plot involves our heroes going to an auction of unclaimed luggage on a whim. They bid on and win an old trunk. Almost immediately many other parties become interested in the trunk/5(9). THE MYSTERY OF THE TALKING SKULL has an interesting historical footnote: Author Robert Arthur gave the young readers of a detailed account of a freeway. I wonder whether freeways were widely known to our youth when this book was written in ?/5(14).
Text by Robert Arthur (apparently his last Alfred Hitchcock and The Three Investigators in the series). Illustrated by Harry Kane. This is volume 11 in the acclaimed Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Series. From Alfred Hitchcock's "short preview": "Welcome, mystery lovers! We are gathered together again for another stimulating case of The Three. The Mystery Of The Talking Skull The last Robert Arthur book, this has a good strong opening and maintains a cracking pace throughout. Staying close to Rocky Beach, the regular cast of characters all have parts to play and there's a nice, nostalgic atmosphere to the whole thing. Find many great new used options and get the best deals for The Three Investigators Ser.: The Mystery of the Talking Skull by Robert Arthur (, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
# Junk in the Trunk with The Mystery of the Talking Skull () by Robert Arthur Novem Novem / JJ Whatever happens to the series from here, it would be difficult to deny that creator Robert Arthur set Jupiter Jones, Pete Crenshaw, and Bob Andrews off to a magnificent start with his ten Three Investigators novels. This was author/series creator Robert Arthur's final book in the series before illness finally caught up with him. Happily, it was a worthy effort. The plot involves our heroes going to an auction of unclaimed luggage on a whim. They bid on and win an old trunk. Almost immediately many other parties become interested in the trunk. The Mystery of the Talking Skull is the last Three Investigators novel by Robert Arthur. As such, I was a little hesitant to read it because Arthur's genius and talent created this series and made it into a staple of many young people's lives.