Ebook {Epub PDF} Late Postmodernism: American Fiction at the Millennium by Jeremy Green

Late Postmodernism Book Subtitle American Fiction at the Millennium Authors. J. Green; Copyright Publisher Palgrave Macmillan US Copyright Holder Palgrave Macmillan, a division of Nature America Inc. eBook ISBN DOI / Hardcover ISBN Softcover ISBN Edition Number 1 Number of Pages VIII, TopicsBrand: Palgrave Macmillan US. Jeremy Green. Late Postmodernism:American Fiction at the Mil lennium. New York: Palgrave, vii + pp. At the end of the twentieth century the proximity of the millennium seemed to be on the minds of many American writers. As the s approached, . "Professor Green's Late Postmodernism should be welcomed by those who still regard literary fiction as one of the great American art forms. It makes a compelling argument for the novel's prospects in the new media age." - Joseph M. Conte, University of Buffalo.

Publication Date: The Backwards Research Guide for Writers. [e-version] by Sonya Huber; Martha C. Pennington (Editor); Georgia Southern University Staff (Editor) ISBN: Publication Date: The Writer's Reader: A Guide to Writing Fiction and Poetry by Walker, B. (Ed.) Call Number: BUN Main WRI / MTL Main WRI. Cohen, Samuel S. After the End of History: American Fiction in the s. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, Print. Davis, Todd F. "Postmodern (Midwestern) Morality: The Act of Affirming Humanity in. a Screwed-up World." In Kurt Vonnegut's Crusade, Or, How a Postmodern Harlequin Preached a New Kind of Humanism. Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction (): Raoul Eshelman, Performatism, or the End of Postmodernism. Aurora: Davies Group, Hal Foster. The Return of the Real: The Avant-Garde at the End of the Century. Cambridge: MIT Press, Jeremy Green, Late Postmodernism: American Fiction at the Millennium. New York: Palgrave.

Late Postmodernism: American Fiction at the Millennium by Jeremy Green. Download Citation | Late Postmodernism: American Fiction at the Millennium (review) | MFS Modern Fiction Studies () At the end of the twentieth century the proximity of the. Jeremy Green. Late Postmodernism:American Fiction at the Mil lennium. New York: Palgrave, vii + pp. At the end of the twentieth century the proximity of the millennium seemed to be on the minds of many American writers. As the s approached, Don DeLillo evidently read Norman Cohn's The Pursuit.


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