Paul Has a Summer Job. by Michel Rabagliati. · 2, Ratings · Reviews · published · 9 editions. Rabagliati`s strip "Paul: Apprentice Typographer" . Want to Read. Shelving menu. Shelve Paul Has a Summer Job. Want to Read. Currently Reading. · Michel Rabagliati crafts stories that are easily accessible to both young-adult and adult audiences with his semifictional protagonist, Paul. In Paul Moves Out he takes another step into adulthood by moving out of his parents’ house and into his first apartment with his girlfriend, enjoying life’s pleasures as well as confronting its. · Then the story continues in Paul Moves Out: Paul has returned from the camp and enrolled in a commercial art school. Paul’s first year in art school is mixed. Rabagliati writes that the teachers and assignments “hadn’t changed in decades” (10), and ill-prepared students for a career in graphic design or illustration (especially with the paradigm shift of personal computing right around the .
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"Michel Rabagliati crafts stories that are easily accessible to both young adult and adult audiences with his semifictional protagonist, Paul. This time Paul encounters another step into adulthood by moving out of his parent's house and into his first apartment with his girlfriend, enjoying life's pleasures as well as confronting its challenges"--Publisher's web site. Michel Rabagliati crafts stories that are easily accessible to both young-adult and adult audiences with his semifictional protagonist, Paul. In Paul Moves Out he takes another step into adulthood by moving out of his parents' house and into his first apartment with his girlfriend, enjoying life's pleasures as well as confronting its challenges. This time around, Rabagliati details what happens before and after his character, well, moves out of his parents’ home. In , Paul is a student at a commercial art school, and though he’s somewhat withdrawn behind goatee and longish hair, it doesn’t take much for fellow student Lucie to work her way into his heart.